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China Longyuan has always focused on the strengthening, optimizing and expanding the wind power industry. With an advanced vision, combining the characteristics of wind resources and power grid delivery conditions, it continuously optimizes the layout of wind power development, and adheres to onshore and offshore generation, operation of domestic and foreign projects, self-construction and acquisition. It has pioneered many new fields such as offshore, overseas, high altitude and low wind speed wind power. At present, China Longyuan's installed capacity of onshore wind power in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Gansu, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Hebei and Liaoning has exceeded 1000 MW.

By the end of 2018, China Longyuan had an installed capacity of 21,044 MW, of which wind power had an installed capacity of 18,919 MW.

Completion of the Largest Offshore Wind Farm in Asia

In Sept. 2010, China Longyuan built the world's first intertidal demonstrative wind farm in Rudong, Jiangsu Province with the installed capacity of 32 MW. In Nov. 2012, based on the original project, it built another intertidal demonstration wind farm with the installed capacity of 150 MW. Later, by the project expansion, the total installed capacity of the offshore wind farm in Rudong, Jiangsu Province was 482 MW at the end of 2018, and it is now the largest offshore wind farm in Asia. At present, China Longyuan is building the offshore wind farm in Nanri Island, Fujian Province, which is the largest single offshore project in China, with a capacity of 400 MW.

In 2011, China Longyuan together with Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry jointly developed the first domestic offshore wind power construction ship, mastered the core technology of single pile and multi-pile foundation construction, and obtained a number of offshore wind power construction patents, among which, the "intertidal wind power new single pile foundation design and construction key technology, equipment R&D and engineering application" won the first prize of China Power Science and Technology in 2013. In 2014, Longyuan Zhenhua No. 2 800-ton self-elevating offshore wind power construction ship and the first professional operation and maintenance ship were successfully launched. China Longyuan had a full-scale construction and operation and maintenance platform for intertidal and offshore wind power, with the annual construction capacity of 350 MW, which is a key step in the large-scale development of offshore wind power. In 2017, Longyuan Zhenhua No. 3 2,000-ton self-elevating offshore wind power construction ship was successfully launched. Its maximum lifting height is 120m and the maximum working water depth is 50m. It is the world's first offshore wind power self-elevating construction platform, integrating large wind power equipment piling, lifting, installation and other functions and providing a "key weapon" for the company's offshore efficient construction. In Jan. 2017, the Nanri Island project in Fujian Province pioneered the "Pile-Drill-Pile" construction process, successfully completed the construction of the I-type rock-socketed single pile without transition section and the construction of the country's first large-diameter rock-socketed single pile, which filled the gap in the domestic rock-socketed single pile technology. In Oct. 2017, Fujian Putian Nanri Island completed the world's first "implanted" rock-socketed single pile foundation construction, marking the zero breakthrough in terms of "implantable" rock-socketed single pile construction technology in the offshore wind power field to fill gaps in the construction technologies of the world's offshore wind power.

First Achieving the "Going Global" Strategy

In July 2011, China Longyuan successfully acquired the 99.1 MW wind power project in Ontario, Canada; in Nov. 2014, the project was officially put into operation, which is the first wind power project independently developed, self-built and operated independently by Chinese power generation companies. It has been profitable for four consecutive years since it was put into production.

In Sept. 2013, China Longyuan successfully won two bids for two wind power projects in South Africa with the installed capacity of 244.5 MW, and achieved another breakthrough in expanding overseas markets. In Nov. 2017, the project was officially put into operation as the first wind power project in China generation company that integrated investment, construction and operation in Africa. It successfully drove domestic equipment, technology and services to "Go Global" and realized profitability immediately after the project was put in operation.

Pioneering the low wind speed wind power

In May 2011, China Longyuan built China's first large low wind speed demonstrative wind farm in Lai'an, Anhui Province. This move has helped us lead the technology advancement in low wind speed wind resource development in the country, drive the upgrading of large blade technology and boost the full use of large amount of low wind speed wind resources in inland areas, thus opening up an even wider space for further development.

In recent years, China Longyuan has actively implement the Belt and Road Initiative, and set up the preparation offices for Central and Eastern Europe  Branch and  Vietnam Branch successively, to further develop the overseas market.

Taking the Lead on Developing High Altitude Wind Power

Since 2010, China Longyuan, by overcoming the unfavorable construction conditions such as high altitude and cold and oxygen deficit in Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet and other areas, has built a number of high-altitude wind farms with an average altitude of more than 3,000m. Among them, Naqu wind farm in Tibet is 4,700m above sea level, which is the highest-altitude wind farm in the world.


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